Friday, October 10, 2008

Ch..cha..cha... CHANGES

I AM SO HAPPY IT IS FRIDAY! I'm going to party tonight. And by party I mean the Christian College Version, you know, games with the brother unit and watching 
WALL-E! (P.S. That is one of my favorite movies of all time and CU is showing it on campus for FREE!)

The picture of the day goes to WALL-E because he deserves it.

Let us reflect upon how different Jillian is from the first day of college:

1. I make my bed every day. That was usually rare at home. The funny thing is that it takes about 3 times as much effort to make my bed at school. On the bright side, the top bunk gives me a full body workout every morning. 

2. I don't care so much about the grades I get as what I learn from the class. You know what- this system ROCKS. FREEDOM!

3. I appreciate more. Everything has become a luxury- time with my family, time with friends, coffee, healthy cereal and soy milk, silence, etc.

4. I'm healthier. I have worked out atleast 4 days of every week that I have been here. As a result, I finally feel like I have got the moderation thing down. I don't feel like I have to change, nor do I often feel like indulging in things. This is GOOD.

5. I have learned that Discipline is one of the biggest bridges to spiritual growth. This Christian life is not easy, and staying on course is also not going to be easy. God does not tell us it will be. Therefore, I have decided to strive and strive hard. At the end of my life, I will never regret how much I strived to become like Christ. The good news is, we are never alone in that striving. THANK GOD!

I'm sure there are other things that are changing... but I will let you decide when you next talk to me. :)


Doug Brown said...

Yea. It's Time to Party!

Abraham Vivas said...
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Abraham Vivas said...

1. Wall-e deserves the I understand (clapping my knuckles...)..hehe

2. :D